
The very eccentric Tyler Williams first founded Hun Po to capture genuine spirit. Whether it's taking photos of architecture, people, or nature, Hun Po has always strived to capture joy, anger, sorrow, courage, grit, and humanity in a fun and free way.

Tyler's background is in liberal arts and sciences, philosophy, religious studies, and teaching. His primary focus is on the nature of connection and loneliness; and this leads to many of his photos subjects caught in genuine states of expression. Tyler has a particular affinity for photographing the lone artist during their creative process for this reason. His academic background has also led him to explore the humanness of the inanimate. Right now he is currently looking at the concept of race within America. He's taking a particular look at the works of photographer Gordon Parks as he pursues the theme of race in America.

Hun Po is less about the technicality of a photo and more about how the concept behind the shot makes the audience feel. In this way Hun Po is closer to modern fine art than modern photography; and that's not to say that photography can't be fine art; rather Hun Po aspires to promote just the opposite.

The Hun Po platform is meant to inspire us, get us to reflect, and make us feel. Hun Po believes the cliché "a picture is worth a thousand words," which is why Hun Po sees photography as poetry.

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